Wild Kiwi Announcement December 2024

The Wild Kiwi is a great event which has found its way into the hearts of people all over the North Island, and has become a welcome staple on the local Northland event calendar. Having delivered the event alongside some amazing sponsors (in particular Northpower), landowners the Jaggers, Williams and Mitchell families and passionate people since 2016, we were looking forward to celebrating the 10th year of the event in 2025.

However, over the past few months we have been communicating with local hapu (Te Waiariki, Ngati Korora, Ngati Takapari Hapu Iwi Trust), who have voiced major concerns around the ongoing running of this event at Te Whara (Bream Head) due to it being held in an area of cultural significance (Wahi Tapu).

While we are respectful of culture, and the view of this hapu, based on conversations that have happened and are ongoing, we would appreciate the opportunity to work with stakeholders on a solution. The intention is to deliver the event again once we have been through a renewed process, however, given the timeframes and where we are at presently, the tough decision has been made to miss next year's event and to work towards delivering the event again in 2026.

We appreciate hugely the support of the many, many people who have voiced support for the event. We will keep you all posted on progress made.

Aaron Carter
Owner/found – Total Sport

Off-Road Adventures for all Adventurous Kiwis

Event to return 2026

The Northpower Wild Kiwi will take you into one of the most scenic landscapes in New Zealand – the Whangarei Heads.

The Whangarei Heads is iconic New Zealand – you’d be hard-pressed to find anywhere in the world quite like it. The views go for days and the trails will knock your running socks off!

Boasting what is quite possibly New Zealand’s toughest half marathon (plus some very achievable shorter distances), this event should absolutely rank high on your trail event bucket list.

“Climb the Mt Parihaka of your limits and run down the other side” Emily Malone


Quite possibly New Zealand’s most difficult off-road half marathon, add it to the top of your bucket list and get training… ideally on stairs!


Earn a Wild Kiwi of your very own when you cross the finish line. One for every finisher - including the kids dash!


Ready to make a positive change in your life? Join our scholarship program and receive all the support and training you need to go from the couch to completing an 8km event! Learn more here.

Groups get 10% off entries

Save 10% off with groups of 8 or more. Learn more here


There’s nothing better for team building than an epic day - and the training lead-up before it!

Groups of 8+ receive a 10% discount. But that’s just the beginning of the group package options of offer. Learn more here

We take waste seriously.



We have removed disposable cups from all aid stations. Please remember your reusable cup, hydration pack or water bottle to fill up! We’ll have collapsible silicone cups available at event base for $5. 

We will also have different bins for compost, recycling and rubbish at event base. Please take care to bring all your rubbish back off the course and dispose of it properly.
